Do you find yourself slumping through the day while working away at your computer? Or over-extending to try and hold a “good posture”. Even with optimal ergonomic set up (monitor at eye height / laptop raised and separate keyboard and mouse, a great ergonomic chair etc etc) we can fall into a slumped posture, or over-work our back muscles trying to correct this and going too far in the other direction. This can place more tension on certain areas of the spine, rather than distributing load evenly through the neck, upper back, lower back and pelvis.

These 5 simple stretches can be done at your desk to help loosen your back, neck and hips, as well as remind you to keep moving through the day. Aim to do one, if not all of these, every 30 minutes to avoid prolonged static loading on the spine.

  1. GLUTE STRETCH: sit towards the front of your chair, cross your right ankle onto your left knee and gently lean forwards, aiming to keep a long straight spine. Hold 30-45 sec then repeat on the other side.

  2. NECK STRETCHES: sit on your right hand, with your left hand over your right side of your head, gently draw the left ear to the left shoulder, feeling the stretch along the right side of your neck and top of shoulder. Hold 20-30sec, then turn to look down at your left armpit, moving the left hand more behind the head and again gently pulling the head down and across. The stretch will move more between the right should blade and spine. Hold 20-30sec then repeat both on the other side.

  3. CHEST / PECTORAL OPENER: reach your hands behind your back, interlace the fingers and pull your hands up and back, feeling your shoulders roll back and chest open forwards. Hold 30 sec.

  4. UPPER BACK ROTATION: reach your right hand around to the back of the chair and place the left hand on the outside of the right knee. Pull your upper body around to the right with the right hand as you push your body further to the right with the left hand. Feel yourself grow tall as you rotate rather than slumping down. Hold 20-30sec, repeat to the left.

  5. STANDING ROLL DOWN: stand up, feet hip distance apart, weight even between your heels and toes. Take your chin onto your chest and roll the spine forwards, letting the hands and head hang down towards the floor. Feel the stretch into your lower back and hamstrings, then use the abdominal muscles to facilitate the roll up (draw the belly button back to the spine), bringing the pelvis up first then re-stacking the spine on the pelvis. Repeat 5 x

To watch a short vide of these 5 exercises, click here.